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Listë e kompanive më të njohura kosovare

- • Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo J.S.C.
- ProCredit Bank Kosovo Sh.a.
- NLB Prishtina Sh.a.
- Banka Ekonomike Sh.a.
- Bank For Business Sh.a.
- Komercijalna Banka AD Beograd Mitrovica Branch
- Banka Kombetare Tregtare Kosovo Branch
- TEB Sh.a.
- IC Illyria
- IC Kosova E Re
- IC Siguria
- INSIG - Kosova Branch
- IC Dardania Sh.a.
- Sigma Sh.a. - Kosovo Branch
- IC Croatia Sigurimi Sh.a.
- IC Sigkos
- IC GRAWE Elsig
- IC Sigal UNIQA Group Austria Sh.a.
- Dukagjini Hospital Sh.p.k.
- IC Illyria Life Sh.a.
- Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo (PTK) Sh.a.
- Telecom of Kosovo
- Post of Kosovo Sh.a.
- PTK Sale Sh.a.
- Raiffeisen Leasing
- Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) Sh.a.
- KOSTT Sh.a.
- Agani Sh.p.k.
- Kosovo Railways Sh.a.
- Radio and Television of Kosovo (RTK) Sh.a.
- Kujtesa Sh.a.
- IPKO Telecommunications Sh.p.k.
- Prishtina International Airport Sh.a.
- 3CIS
- Asgeto Pharmaceuticals
- American University in Kosovo
- Asha LLC
- Asseco SEE
- AVC Group Ltd
- StoneCastle Vineyards and Winery Ltd.
- Meridian Corporation LLC
- ValVis Company LLC
- Financial Union Pristine LLC
- Bonus LLC
- Pestova LLC
- Recura Financials JSC
- Elting Electronics LLC
- Ecotrade LLC
- Kosova Petrol LLC
- Conin Ltd.
- PR Solutions LLC
- Sharrcem LLC
- Delfin LTD
- Rrota Ltd.
- BU & Partners LLC
- Newco Ferronikeli Complex LLC
- Albi Commerce
- Atlantik Group
- Birra Peja JSC
- Bucaj Sh.p.k.
- Express Delivery Service
- Fortesa
- Gekos
- Interlex Associates
- Ledo Sh.p.k.
- Lesna
- Petrol Company
- Redoni
- Trepca
- Elkos
- Dal Group Sh.p.k.
- Abi Sh.p.k.
- Werkos Kosovo Sh.p.k.
- Martimex Kosovo Sh.p.k.
- Aria Sh.p.k.
- Oculooptica Sh.p.k.
- Dardani Sh.p.k.
- ABB Sh.p.k.
- S&S Sh.p.k.
- Sitko Sh.p.k.
- Euro Construction Sh.p.k.
- Agrobiznesi Sh.p.k.
- InterAdria LLC
- KelKos Energy Sh.p.k.
- JP Elektrokosmet Pristina